Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The President of Pakistan

I like the President of Pakistan. I say this knowing nothing about him except for what I've seen on the Daily Show. But on the Daily Show he was self-possessed, witty, and articulate, despite being offered twinkies by John Stewart(of course, if John Stewart offered me twinkies, I'd do my best to be witty and articulate as well...but I'm not the President of Pakistan). The crowning moment was when Mr. Stewart asked Mr. President of Pakistan who would win an election in Pakistan right now: George W. Bush or Osama Bin Laden. Ballsy, Mr. Stewart. Ballsy. Mr. President of Pakistan answered the only way he could: "I think they'd both lose miserably" (or something very close to that.)

Well done, Mr. President of Pakistan. Well done.

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